• La cigale et la fourmi


    Les fables de La Fontaine


    La Cigale, ayant chanté
    Tout l'été,
    Se trouva fort dépourvue
    Quand la bise fut venue :
    Pas un seul petit morceau
    De mouche ou de vermisseau.
    Elle alla crier famine
    Chez la Fourmi sa voisine,
    La priant de lui prêter
    Quelque grain pour subsister
    Jusqu'à la saison nouvelle.
    "Je vous paierai, lui dit-elle,
    Avant l'Oût, foi d'animal,
    Intérêt et principal. "
    La Fourmi n'est pas prêteuse :
    C'est là son moindre défaut.
    Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud ?
    Dit-elle à cette emprunteuse.
    - Nuit et jour à tout venant
    Je chantais, ne vous déplaise.
    - Vous chantiez ? j'en suis fort aise.
    Eh bien! dansez maintenant.

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  • NumbersThere Were Ten in a Bed
    Chanson enfantine

    There were ten in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There were nine in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There were eight in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There were seven in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There were six in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There were five in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There were four in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There were three in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There were two in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over
    And one fell out.

    There was one in a bed
    And the little one said
    "Good night!"

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  • Photos à commenter en classe (extraites du manuel Ecolier et Citoyen de chez Hachette).

    Comment bien vivre avec les autres ?Comment bien vivre avec les autres ?Comment bien vivre avec les autres ?Comment bien vivre avec les autres ?

    Comment bien vivre avec les autres ?




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